Write For Us

We are delighted that you’re interested.
SeoTrik is now accepting guest posts, and we are inviting Digital Marketing experts to share their experiences, thoughts and opinions with our readers.
We aren’t strict regarding what we post the blog we run, we take the time to read every request for guest posts we receive.
However, you should not submit any request that you have not read our guidelines as we will reject any requests that are not conforming to our rules.
Important The company receives many requests, which is why our process of approval can be lengthy. Be patient with us since we need between 2 and 3 days to reply. If you don’t receive an answer until 3 days after the deadline, you are able to apply this article on another site. Don’t make follow-up calls as they will not assist.
If you’re seeking a quick publication The ResultFirst platform offers an ” Sponsored Guest Post” option. In contrast to the normal guest article, the story that is sponsored is published within 2 to 3 days. But, it still has to conform to our guidelines for guest posts, and would require approval by our editors.

Topics We Cover:
We cover everything Digital marketing including but not limited to:
- SEO Services
- Pay For Performance SEO
- Content Marketing
- Social Media
- Website Analytics
- Website Design
- Conversion Optimization
- Online Innovation
- Small Business
- Start-up Marketing
- Digital Advertising
- Blogging
- E-mail Marketing
- Reputation Management
- Influencer Marketing
Method of Publication:
This blog features stories from Digital Marketing experts. They discuss their diverse experiences and assist.The public in getting the best approach for Digital Marketing in the current market. We offer information on the thoughts and conclusions of our readers in an approach that is clear and logically justifiable.The voice of these Digital Marketing experts Our audience is set to predict what’s coming. It is essential that that you know the rules carefully to allow the visitors present request on being acknowledged. You go through both of the following two options:
- The option to select “Supported Guest Post” is intended for those who would like to have their article distributed quickly. The distribution process takes about 1 to 2 weeks, when it is approved from our editorial staff and has complied with each of our requirements.
- A simple request for information takes approximately 5-10 days before it is noticed by our staff since we receive thousands of requests every day and your request might not be exactly what we need. If you don’t receive any response after fifteen days of business days, it is time to search for a different site.
What Do We Publish?
digital Marketing Education If you’re an expert in the field of digital marketing and want to inform our viewers, submit your suggestions, how-to cases, articles as well as lists of trends and other information.
Experts’ opinions If you’re an expert in your field that has relevant knowledge and a a strong online presence, you are able to share your thoughts on anything that is related to the Digital Marketing industry.
Informationgraphics If you’ve created an excellently designed infographic that you are happy to send and include an introduction.
Guest Post Guidelines: [SEO Write For Us]
Before you submit your story to ResultFirst We want you to be aware of our guidelines. We ask you to study these guidelines attentively and follow them
- The first rule is that your piece should not have grammar or grammar errors.
- Your post must be interesting, interactive and engaging. Each blog post is designed to provide valuable details to our users, assisting to develop their digital marketing expertise or keep them up to date.
- Do not send us a smattering of text in the word document. Your piece should be organized by using headings, bullets, quotes, and images.
- Don’t sound like a business person communicating with humans. Humans provide information to other humans So, sound human in your tale. Use the first person voice and talk directly to readers.
- Your articles should contain 800-1200 words.
- Do not use images that are irrelevant or images with copyright rights owned by another person.
- Please provide the the source of data, statistics or images included in the text.
- The story must be original and not be published elsewhere.
- Include your bio and headshot in the text.
- Do not endorse any product or service in your story.
- We are entitled to remove promotional links from your article. It is possible to link informative articles. Your pages for service can be listed to your profile.
- Submit your topic ideas prior to you write your story.
If you do not follow these guidelines then you’re most likely to not hear from us.
Note: We do not issue press releases or reviews of products or services.
What Happens If Your Story Is Selected For Publication?
- If we decide to select your story, it will be reviewed by our editors. If the story requires changes we return it with our suggestions.
- We have the power to alter the article’s content or the title.
- The author is entitled to publish the story in another place with the reference to ResultFirst as the source of this story.
- We are able to republish the story or post it on any social network, while giving acknowledgements to the writer.
- We don’t pay for guest posts.
Queries To Submit Guest Post On Technology Blog
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More Ways To Submit Guest Post On Digital Marketing Blog
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You Can Find More Guest Post SEO Blogs
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“Paid SEO write for us”
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“write for us SEO”
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Got more questions? Don’t hesitate to drop us a mail at (backlinksfirm@gmail.com) && (seotrikofficial@gmail.com)