6 Strategies in 2022 that Top Ecommerce Agencies in Sydney Swear By

best ecommerce agency in sydney

Most of the Covid-19 restrictions in Sydney have finally been lifted. However, many still choose to stay at home and avoid any outdoor activity for fear of the coronavirus.

And with Aussies following health protocols, one of the most significant changes observed was the increase of online activities, specifically online shopping. In fact, shopping through the internet in Sydney grew twice as much as the growth of the city’s population.

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No wonder the best ecommerce agency in sydney is always on the move to develop the best strategies for online businesses.

And because of the boom of the Australian ecommerce industry, many businesses shifted into the online world. With more than nine million households in Australia shopping online, your business will definitely lose if you don’t have an online presence.

So, what are the best strategies to apply so your online business will succeed in 2022?

Voice Search Optimisation

Voice search is becoming quite popular today. In fact, 25% of Sydney and the rest of Australia searches are done via voice.

With the ease and efficiency it gives users, many opt to search online through voice instead of text. So, it’s only fitting to optimise your content for voice search. To optimise for voice search, digital marketing agencies in Sydney use strategies like long-tail keywords and providing short, clear answers to queries.

Mobile App

Having your own mobile app makes everything easier. Users can simply open the app if they want to search for something, then they can instantly make a purchase. However, without a mobile app, potential customers may not want to visit your shop if they have to go through websites. So, it’ll be a significant loss for you.

Direct Push Notifications

Whether on your mobile app or your website, enabling push notification allows users to immediately see recommendations even while they’re on another app or device. Thus, it increases your chances of increasing sales.

Social Media Marketing

Statistics show that 20.5 million Australians were active on social media in January 2021.

But did you know that these social media users are not only on platforms like Facebook for social purposes? They are also using social media as a shopping platform, which explains the existence of Facebook Marketplace and the like.

So, with the significant number of users on social media, you definitely would want your business on the platform. And your marketing company will help you leverage the power of social media by developing the best campaigns across different platforms.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers, like Instagram star Celeste Barber from Sydney, are getting more popular by the minute. And with social media slowly becoming an ecommerce platform, there is no denying how helpful partnering with influencers can be. After all, influencers have followers in the millions. Imagine how significant that kind of reach is for your business.

Video Content

If there’s one type of content that people love, it’s video content. After all, seeing is more engaging than reading. And when it comes to videos, short-form ones get all the hype today. Videos of your products or services and of people who are satisfied with their purchase are popular with consumers today.

Having an online presence in 2022 is one of the best decisions you can ever make if you want to succeed. And once you’ve decided to shift into the online world, looking for the best ecommerce agency in sydney comes next.

With the right company to help you with your online endeavour, your online business will surely stand out from the 73,000 small online businesses in Sydney today.

By Ellen

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